DONUTS Design™ Experience
Welcome to the DONUTS Design™ Experience
The DONUTS Design™ Experience is a high-touch, stress-free, premium branding and web design process. It takes all of the stumbling blocks that typically slow down a design project (and stress out clients), and throws them out the window.
And, even with all the support baked in, your brand and website are ready in 4 weeks.
Less Homework, More Co-work
No matter how you slice it, this is your business and I’ll need input from you to develop your brand and design your website.
But, we’ll make efficient use of meetings to get work done, so you aren’t left on your own to spin your wheels. Homework is a drag (and you’re not is school). So we keep it to a minimum in favor of collaboration instead.
No-stress Tech Decisions
So many people never get their websites launched because they get stuck at the very beginning. It’s overwhelming just choosing a platform and that is one of the biggest hurdles. I will work with you to make all the tech decisions so you don’t get hung up there.
Creative Custom Design that Turns Heads!
And of course – the most important thing – original, custom design for your visual branding and website. This is the most fun part and I don’t take shortcuts. Designs are original and based on your brand strategy. No templates are harmed in the making of your website!
Confidence in Your Next Steps
Once we launch your website, you won’t be left wondering how to manage it or market it. I’ll train you to manage the basics on your website, and we’ll come up with a marketing strategy to get eyeballs on your site.
At the end of your DONUTS Design™ Experience you will have:
a Brand Strategy that is aligned with your current business (not the business you started with)
a Visual Identity Design including a professionally illustrated logo, color palette, fonts, and brand image styles
a Website you can't wait to send people to
the Empowerment to manage your own website going forward
the Foundation on which to create a marketing plan that makes sense